Length Of Time To Settle Car Accident Case


How long will it take to settle my car accident case?

One of the most common questions asked is the length of time a personal
injury or auto accident case takes to settle. The answer to that question is a
combination of several factors.

The most influential factor is the time is takes the client to recover from their 
injuries. At King Aminpour Car Accident Lawyer, we are focused and dedicated to the health
and well-being of all our clients. Our goal is that every client reach the state
 of health they were in prior to the accident before settling their case. Once 
treatment is completed and health is restored, King Aminpour Car Accident Lawyer has 
an incredibly efficient staff of attorneys and paralegals that work diligently
 to prepare the case for settlement. Unless circumstances of the case require 
litigation, King Aminpour Car Accident Lawyer strives to settle every case within four months from the time medical treatment is complete.

1 Response

  1. Ladas Law Firm

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